FXS - Fuji Xerox Singapore
FXS stands for Fuji Xerox Singapore
Here you will find, what does FXS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fuji Xerox Singapore? Fuji Xerox Singapore can be abbreviated as FXS What does FXS stand for? FXS stands for Fuji Xerox Singapore. What does Fuji Xerox Singapore mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Singapore.
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Alternative definitions of FXS
- Fax Transmit Format graphics (WinFax)
- fragile X syndrome
- Foreign Exchange Subscriber
- WinFax Fax Transmit Format graphics file
View 5 other definitions of FXS on the main acronym page
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- FOA Fairway Outdoor Advertising
- FDJJ Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
- FTBE Franklin Township Board of Education
- FPL Flamingo Pharmaceuticals Ltd
- FHAS Falck Healthcare A/S
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